Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors
United Methodist Church Community
Here at Grace…
We are part of the worldwide United Methodist Church. We align with the mission of the United Methodist Church, which is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. This mission is drawn from Jesus Christ, who said something similar in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20).
We carry out our Mission by living out our Vision:
Grace United Methodist Church is an inclusive community that is passionately following Jesus Christ.
Grace United Methodist Church in Wyckoff New Jersey is a community for all people! No matter your past, your current situation, your beliefs; all are welcome to worship with us!
What We Believe As United Methodists
The Wesleyan Way
Calling, Character, Values, The Means of Grace
4 Core Principles of Methodism
Every United Methodist, lay and clergy person, is called to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. We are called to be life-long learners and followers of Jesus who passionately serve God in the church and in the world. Disciples live their baptismal vows, renouncing sin, confessing Jesus and ending evil, injustice and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves.
We are to live by the highest standards of faith, making ethical decisions and caring for creation, being faithful in relationships, ending injustice, evil and oppression, and welcoming and including everyone in ministry and worship. Adhere to Wesley’s 3 Simple Rules:
Do all the good you can
Do no harm and
Stay in Love with God
As United Methodists we have 7 core values
1. Grace
God’s grace is sufficient for salvation and is offered
to all through a personal relationship with Jesus
2. Extending God’s Grace
Grace is extended through the sacraments of communion and baptism to adults, youth and children, and be being graceful as witnessed in the life of Jesus.
3. The Bible
The bible is the primary authority and revelation for salvation and living and is interpreted through scripture, tradition, reason and experience.
4. Personal and Social Holiness
United Methodists grow spiritually and are accountable for faithful living and service in the world.
5. Connectionalism
United Methodists are connected through a web of congregations and organizations that share a common mission, doctrine, apportioned mission support, itineracy and holy conferencing.
6. Diversity and Inclusion
United Methodists welcome and include all people in the life of the church.
7. Open itineracy
While recognizing differences among congregations – theology, languages spoken, leadership needs and contexts – bishops and superintendents teach, support and practice open itineracy in making appointments.
Means of Grace
Wesley taught that God’s grace is unearned but we are not to be idle waiting to experience grace but engage actively in means of grace. God’s mystery works in the hearts and thinking of disciples through the means of grace, hastening, strengthening and confirming faith so that God’s grace pervades in and through disciples. The means of grace are categorized into works of piety and mercy.
Works of Piety
Individual Practices
Reading, meditating on and studying the scriptures, prayer, fasting, regularly attending worship, healthy living and sharing our faith with others.
Communal Practices
Regularly sharing in the sacraments, Christian conferencing and Bible Study.
Works of Mercy
Individual Practices
Doing good works, visiting the sick, visiting those in prison, feeding the hungry and giving generously to the needs of others
Communal Practices
Advocating for and seeking justice, ending oppression, injustice and discrimination and addressing the needs of others, particularly the poor, the marginalized, the oppressed, the children and the elderly.
For an overview of the United Methodist Church and our beliefs and doctrine see