Get Involved At Grace and In Your Community


Soup Ministry

The Soup Ministry has resumed! We are making soup every month to help those in need of food or a friend. If you would like some soup or would like to help prepare it, please contact Carol Freeswick with any questions and for updates!

Family Promise

Several times throughout the year the whole church works together to feed hundreds of people in need. We prep and cook food all weekend for Family Promise in Hackensack so they can eat a delicious beef dinner! Email to volunteer!


Camp YDP (Youth Development Program) is a ministry in Paterson, New Jersey that gives children the resources they need to succeed! You can donate or share a special skill in support. Email to ask how you can help!


Grace Volunteer

We are always looking for people of any age to volunteer at Grace in various areas! Any help is appreciated! Please reach out to Pastor Brian to inquire about current volunteer positions at the church!



Here at Grace, we love volunteering for CUMAC in person once every week. Due to Covid-19 we have had to suspend that weekly practice BUT we are accepting food donations at Grace! Please bring your donations to the Church Office, located at the back of the building, Monday-Friday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Peanut Butter, Jelly, Bread, Canned Proteins (Tuna, Beans, etc.), Baby Formula Similac or Enfamil (Yellow or Purple)


Volunteer Your Time or Donate!

Use the button to give a donation. Throughout the year we ask for people to support our missions projects with financial support, from meals for Family Promise to food for the city of Paterson. Every dollar you give is converted into ministries that fulfill God’s command to feed the hungry and care for the poor.