Creating supportive, nurturing community!
We continue to host small groups, Bible study and youth ministry in person and online.
EVERYONE IS WELCOME! You don’t need to be a member of Grace UMC to join in.
Sunday School
We offer Sunday School and nursery care every Sunday morning during our worship service at 10am. The Sunday School program is for ages 3 years-12th grade. Nursery care is available for babies and toddlers ages infant- 2 years. For more information contact Emily Neville.
Do you feel more connected to God through music and song? Are you musically inclined or play and instrument? Or do you just love to sing especially when praising the Lord? Give to Grace through your time and talent!!
Reach out to our Director of Music for more information
Adult Studies
There is currently one group meeting regularly online
Monday mornings at 10:00 AM | Contact Roger or The Reverend Judy Anne White
Youth Group
Sunday evenings is our Junior & Senior High youth group
This group is a wonderful place for teens to join together in worship while having fun at the same time! Our youth group not only study the teachings of Jesus each week, but work together to better our church community and do fun activities and outings together as a group. Please contact Pastor Brian Neville or head to our youth group page
Chick Flicks Movie Club
A monthly gathering for dinner a movie and some great conversation!
Dinner and a Movie: Chick Flicks is a curriculum that looks at movies that spark great conversation. Eat a themed meal, watch the movie together and talk about how the characters and drama impacts your own life. Some movies include Fried Green Tomatoes, Sense and Sensibility and Casablanca. Reach out to Hilda for more information.
Men’s Group
Our Men’s group meets on the first and third Saturday every month! If you are interested in more information, please contact Pastor Brian Neville
Short Term
Bible Study
Pastor Brian Neville leads a Bible Study on various days, depending on the series. These short term Bible studies happen every month or two and are often based on the Sunday morning sermon series. Email the pastor for more information or go to gumc.org/study.
Young Adult Studies
There is a young adult group for college age students, that meets through zoom! Get More Information
Gracious Reconcilers
A Reconciling Community* of Grace UMC
“We are an inclusive community which welcomes, affirms and celebrates ALL people as children of God without regard to sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, race, economic status, nationality or any other distinction by which humanity divides people.”
We celebrate God’s gift of diversity and value the wholeness made possible in community equally shared and shepherded by all.
As followers of Jesus, we commit ourselves to the pursuit of justice and pledge to stand in solidarity with all who are marginalized and oppressed.”
Our group is not exclusive. Anyone is invited to attend by contacting Merryl Dietz ahead of time for information. merryldietz@verizon.net
We seek to work toward making Grace UMC an affirming congregation where any person attending will feel safe, accepted and welcomed just as they are.
*A Reconciling Community is a small group such as a Sunday school class, youth group, UMW Circle, music ministry, camping ministry, etc. In some churches, a new group is formed specifically to become a Reconciling Community. The entire group votes and is making the decision only for the group, not beyond. Church members who are not part of this group do not participate in the vote. - Definition from Reconciling Ministries Network website
Prayer Group
Our prayer group meets every week to create prayers for our church community that are posted on our Facebook page! Join us is praying for our church family and our community! The prayer group has paused their in-person meetings due to Covid-19. If you are interested in being a part of the prayer group virtually, please contact Mary Ann Van Dyk