
Confirmation Retreat
to Mar 23

Confirmation Retreat

Confirmation Retreat at Gretna Glen has a wonderful history and has been a standard for thousands of confirmands throughout the years. The weekend is focused on the five vows of affirmation—prayer, presence, gifts, service & witness. Each vow comes to life as the confirmands participate in hands-on activities, discussions, and reflections that help draw parallels between confirmation and a life of faith. Confirmands will go on a local mission trip on Saturday afternoon, experience teambuilding, the trust trail, and evening worship around a campfire as part of this retreat. This program is built to complement any confirmation curriculum, no matter what stage of the confirmation process your students are in. Confirmation classes and their adult leaders will come together with other churches to experience this retreat. (The group will meet at Grace United Methodist Church and travel together to Gretna Glen)

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Prayer Connection, Women’s One Day Retreat

Prayer Connection, Women’s One Day Retreat

In moments of openness, we discover that the connections we crave are always waiting for us.

Light breakfast and registration at 8:30am

Program runs from 9:15am-12pm

$15 per person

Registration ends Wednesday, 3/19 at noon. Paper registration forms available in the church narthex.

For more info please contact Hilda at the church office or email and she will put you in contact with one our Retreat Sisters (Carol, Mary Ann, & Linda) or feel free to ask them questions before/after worship on Sundays.

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Youth Group Ecumenical Trip

Youth Group Ecumenical Trip

The youth group and confirmation class is taking a trip to an ecumenical center to explore a different religious community. Any youth not accompanied by a parent needs to have a permission form filled out found here on the youth page. The Friday service starts around 7 and runs until around 8:30-9:30 depending on the day, but it is typical for people to come and go. About 1/3 of it is readings with translation on screen, 1/3 is songs with translations, and 1/3 is spoken, similar to Brian’s sermons, and does not have translations. We will visit the hall for the music and go to the langar hall - the free community kitchen dedicated to feeding everyone and representing equality and love of God - to learn about their community service initiatives during the sermon. There will be plenty of opportunities for questions and it is heavily encouraged. 

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Holy Thursday

Holy Thursday

This evening of reflection and worship deals with the last night of Jesus with his disciples before his crucifixion. The service will include a reenactment of the Last Supper and Holy Communion.

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Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Egg Hunt

Its on! Our Easter Egg Hunt on the field of Grace United Methodist Church is always a great event! 10 dollars per child and 20 dollar max to register. There will be a special show, the outdoor egg hunt, photos with the Easter bunny, a craft station and special prizes!

Easter Egg Hunt
from $10.00
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Easter Sunday Services

Easter Sunday Services

Join us April 20th for Easter Sunday! Two services will be held, one at 7am for sunrise and a second at 10am. Celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ in triumphal song and moving word. We’ll also have a special miniature Easter Cantata as the choir shares with us the story of resurrection through beautiful music!

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Youth Mission Trip
to Jul 12

Youth Mission Trip

Join the youth group for a youth mission trip! We’ll repair homes, partner with local organizations and do good work in the community. In the evening we’ll worship and have a fun evening in doing something unique to the area. The week is picked out, but our location is not set just yet. It will be the adventure of a lifetime, though, so come join us! Youth from 6th grade and up, as well as adult volunteers, are welcome. Let us know you plan to join us by registering here!

Depart Grace United Methodist Church the morning of Sunday July 6th and return to Grace Saturday the afternoon of July 12th.

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VBS Summer Camp

VBS Summer Camp

True North Vacation Bible School is all about learning to trust Jesus in a wild world! Registration available now! $52 per child, ages 3-11 for online registration. Camp runs each day from 9am to 12pm August 4th-8th. You can read more details about the program or find our paper registration form at

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Family Promise Dinner

Family Promise Dinner

Support Family Promise by helping us make a home cooked meal for over 150 people! Each meal costs about $500, so donate or volunteer some time to cook! Contact Patricia from Grace UMC to learn how you can help.

Did you know that Bergen County separates the homeless population based on gender? That means a husband and wife, mother and son, or father and daughter are separated if they lose their home. Family Promise fills the gap by providing housing as parents work to regain adequate shelter for their families.

enter an amount under ‘Family Promise’ on our giving page

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Last Supper on the Moon

Last Supper on the Moon

In this five-session Bible study, bestselling author and pastor Levi Lusko journeys back in time and forward in hope, using the 1969 lunar mission as an analogy of God's mission of salvation. Along the way, he explores the wonder of God's love in sending Jesus from "outer space" to die for your sins--and how that incredible love has the power to transform your "inner space." Join us spring ‘25 March 11, 18, 25 April 1, and 8

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Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday

Discover the deeper meaning and significance of the Lenten season. It begins with Ash Wednesday March 5th at 9am, with a brief liturgy and imposition of ashes over at the Nursery School. Then at 12 noon there is a chapel service with reflective music, communion and the imposition of ashes. Finally, at 7:30pm is our evening service, also with communion and the imposition of ashes. All are welcome for any of these gatherings!

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Souper Bowl

Souper Bowl

Donate a can of soup or other canned items and bring in one dollar to help feed those in need! This annual Souper Bowl Fundraiser will support CUMAC, which feeds over 40,000 people every year in Northern New Jersey. Donations can be brought to Sunday morning worship at Grace United Methodist Church or to the church office during office hours (M-F, 9-1). There’s also a presentation by our soup ministry to the confirmation class after Sunday morning worship!

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New Member Classes

New Member Classes

New member classes are typically offered in the fall or spring. Explore both the ministries of the church and the theology of the United Methodist Church. These two classes will help you discover the purpose and meaning for membership, as well as your own connection with the church. Winter ‘25 February 2nd, March 2nd after church.

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Trivia Night

Trivia Night

Join the family ministries of Grace United Methodist Church for Trivia Night! Its biblical trivia, but is great for all ages (we play in teams). The competition begins January 26th at 4pm and will be over by 6pm.

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Northern Region Foundational Leadership Training

Northern Region Foundational Leadership Training

The Foundational Leadership Training is designed for church officers, committee and team leaders, and people engaged in various ministries of the church to provide foundational understanding and leadership skills. Two workshop sessions provide the opportunity for participants to choose different options to learn about their area of ministry and other more general leadership skills. All workshops will take place via ZOOM and are offered in both sessions. Pre-registration is requested, registration can be found here:

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Christmas Eve Service

Christmas Eve Service

Join us for our Christmas Eve services, December 24th at 4pm or 8pm.

At 4pm we celebrate Christmas with a service tailored for the children in the congregation and end with candlelight singing Silent Night.

At 8pm we have a more traditional service and will also end with candlelight singing Silent Night.

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Christmas Eve Service

Christmas Eve Service

Join us for our Christmas Eve services, December 24th at 4pm or 8pm.

At 4pm we celebrate Christmas with a service tailored for the children in the congregation and end with candlelight singing Silent Night.

At 8pm we have a more traditional service and will also end with candlelight singing Silent Night.

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Christmas Play

Christmas Play

Are you ready for a Very Mixed Up Christmas Pageant? The Grace United Methodist Church Sunday School program will be presenting a Christmas Play in worship during Advent, December 15th at 10am! You won’t want to miss this gift of silly and endearing love from the Sunday School as they put their acting talents on display, sing Christmas songs, and remind us of the true joy of Christmas. Join us Sunday in worship all Advent long and especially December 15th!

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Cookie Walk

Cookie Walk

Join our 8th annual cookie walk for some delicious homemade cookies sold by the pound.
Get all your Christmas treats in one place! Come early because we sell out quick!



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Candles at Noon

Candles at Noon

You are invited to attend “Candles at Noon,” a Blue Christmas Service on Wednesday, December 11th at noon at Grace United Methodist Church. This service is especially geared for those who are grieving or hurting during this season, or just those who are overwhelmed by the things that come with this time of year. Come away and spend some quiet time with us.  A light lunch will be served after the service.

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Experiencing Christmas

Experiencing Christmas

Everything seems different at the end of the year. We put lights on our houses to dispel the growing darkness, Christmas music floods local radio stations, apple cider and cranberry sauce are again on the menu, and wrapping paper and tape are always ready. Things just look, smell, and taste differently during the Advent and Christmas season, and these differences are a sign to us that God is about to do something radical and different. Join our small group study winter ‘24 December 4, 11, 18...

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Hanging of the Greens

Hanging of the Greens

Join the worship committee in decorating the church for Christmas! Its all hands on deck as we prepare for Jesus this December! The youth will also have breakfast and prepare Advent Wreaths as part of the fun!

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Wreath Sale

Wreath Sale

Wreath sale! Funds supports the youth ministry. Orders are due soon. Wreaths can be picked up December 1st, after church or Monday morning at the Nursery School. Price is $25 per wreath.

Wreath making for the youth will happen November 30th in conjunction with the hanging of the greens. Breakfast will also be served!

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Christmas Fair Dinner

Christmas Fair Dinner

Tickets are no longer for sale, but here’s the information:

Join members and friends of Grace United Methodist Church for a Christmas dinner you won't soon forget! With live Christmas music and a delicious four course meal, you'll be glad you were there for it! November 22nd at 6pm in the Fellowship Hall at 555 Russell Avenue Wyckoff, NJ 07481

Get a discount on kids meals and orders of three or more!

Every kids meal is $10 off. Use the code GRACEKIDS
Every 3 tickets purchased is $20 off and a free tricky tray ticket! Use the code Buy3

Please note, for large orders or orders that may require multiple discounts you should call the church. Tickets for any improperly used discount codes will not be honored.

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Youth Group

Youth Group

Youth group for youth in 6th grade through 12th grade. Pizza costs $2 per slice. Email for details.

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Forgiving What You Can't Forget

Forgiving What You Can't Forget

Have you ever felt stuck in a cycle of unresolved pain, playing offenses over and over in your mind? You know you can't go on like this, but you don't know what to do next. Let go of bound-up resentment and overcome the resistance to forgiving people who aren't willing to make things right. Join our short term study Fall ‘24 November 6, 13, 20, 27

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All Saints Day

All Saints Day

Join us for All Saints Day November 3rd at Grace UMC and honor the saints of the church that have gone before us. Submit a name for us to honor during the roll call of the dead by emailing with the name of the saint you’d like to honor.

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PreChurch Conference

PreChurch Conference

We’ll review the church conference documents that will be presented on Saturday, October 19th at Parsippany United Methodist Church at 9am for the annual Grace United Methodist Church Conference. (Note, decisions at the PreChurch Conference will be forwarded to the official Church Conference the following Saturday).

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Outdoor Movie Night

Outdoor Movie Night

October 18th is a movie night under the stars! Join us on the field for popcorn and the movie ‘Garfield’ at 7pm. Be sure to bring your own chair or blanket!

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Confirmation Class

Confirmation Class

7th Grade and older youth are welcome to join in a two year process to become confirmed and join as members of Grace United Methodist Church. Classes begin October 6th at 6pm, monthly to May 4th.

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Women's Retreat
to Sep 29

Women's Retreat

The Reverend Anita Grau will once again lead our faith filled weekend at the Sacred Heart Retreat Center in Newton, NJ.

You can arrive on Friday, September 27 after 3PM, check into your room and have free time until our casual evening meal and opening session. Saturday is a day of study, discussion and rest. On Sunday, we share Communion with one another in addition to our sessions.  Departure is approximately 2 pm on Sunday.

Dress is casual and comfortable. You are asked to bring a Bible – or the ability to access it on your phone- a snack to share and an open heart. It is recommended that all participants be vaccinated.

The $260 fee includes your room, retreat sessions, and all meals.  Please make your initial deposit of $60 by June 1 to reserve your place. Final payment is due no later than September 1.  Please make the check out to Grace UMC, memo: Women’s Retreat and either bring it to the church or mail it to Grace UMC, 555 Russell Avenue, Wyckoff NJ 07481. 

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Youth Group Kickoff

Youth Group Kickoff

Youth Meetings begin for 6th-12th grade once a month on September 22nd at 7pm.

Youth Meeting dates: September 22nd, October 20th, November 17th, December 15th.

Let us know you plan to come by using the register button on the youth group page!

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To reserve space at Grace United Methodist Church submit a usage form request. Use the images above to help you choose the right space for your group.