Ministry Keeper
We’ve been sharing in our newsletter a little about Ministry Keeper, but you might be wondering, ‘what the heck is that?’ Ministry Keeper is an app you can download to your phone to get quick access to the most important information about Grace United Methodist Church. On the app you’ll find a calendar with all of our events, the blog that includes all of our congregational communications, a link to online giving, a link to our worship services so you can catch up on a service you may have missed, and a map to find our church. The app has lots of other features we could add in the future, but, as it is, I find it to be the most convenient way to quickly find the most important information about the church. We have the Ministry Keeper app because it is a free feature of Servant Keeper, our membership directory and financial giving system we use at Grace. You don’t need to use Servant Keeper in order to use the app. You can find a link below to both the Google app store version of Ministry Keeper and the Apple app store version. Let us know if it’s helpful to you!