Tithe Envelopes

December 2023

To the Congregation of Grace United Methodist Church,

Recently the finance committee has made a change in how offering envelopes will be distributed to our congregation. What you have just received is the first of six bi-monthly mailings to be sent this year. Each mailing contains all of the offering envelopes for the next two months. There are a number of factors that have gone into this decision and I want to share them with you.

1. The cost of these offering envelopes is only a few hundred dollars more than what we are already paying for this service. By mailing envelopes to your home, we are confident that everyone in the congregation will receive them and be able to “give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7).

2. With this new service, we will be able to combine offering envelopes with our communications to the congregation. Many have lamented the move from mailed communications from the church to email and online communications. We want to be a church that does both, and this change allows us to reduce the associated expense, while increasing mailed communications. We are excited to keep everyone in our congregation updated with all that is happening in the church!

3. By mailing offering envelopes with the information of each household already on the envelopes we are making the process easier on our volunteers. In reducing administrative work, your tithes and offerings will go toward the areas of ministry most needed!

If you would like to be removed from these mailings for any reason, please contact the church office so we can update our records and reduce the associated cost of these mailings at 201-891-4595 (ext. 1) or email Hilda at info@gumc.org. As always, we seek to be an inclusive community passionately following Jesus Christ. Thank you for your contribution toward this important goal and may you experience God’s blessing in your life as you support Grace United Methodist Church.

Sincerely in Christ,

Alma Mader (Finance Chairperson)


Staff Transitions at Grace


Christmas Letter to Grace