Join us this Christmas and winter season at Grace United Methodist Church!

  • Souper Bowl

    We’ll be collecting canned soup on Sunday, February 11 to be donated to CUMAC in Paterson. If you are interested in making soup with our Soup Ministry, please contact Carol Freeswick.

  • Ash Wednesday

    Discover the deeper meaning and significance of the Lenten season. It begins with Ash Wednesday February 14th at 9am, 12 noon and 7:30pm

  • Lenten Study on Luke

    Join Pastor Brian for a Lenten series on Luke: Jesus and the Outsiders, Outcasts and Outlaws by Adam Hamilton. We’ll explore Jesus’s ministry and his journey to the cross as we hear about stories of Jesus’s relationships with ordinary, flawed, and unexpected people. Every Sunday after church during Lent.

  • Youth Group Wreath Sale

    Wreath sale closed.

  • Poinsettia Sale

    Purchase a poinsettia to remember and celebrate your loved one(s) at Christmas time. Pick up an order form at church or order online. Orders must be received by Dec. 11th.

  • Heaven and Earth

    In Advent, the four weeks leading up to Christmas, we are seeing how God touches both heaven and earth. Be sure to join each week in church and Sunday evenings for our Bible study!

  • Cookie Walk

    No time to Bake? Purchase homemade holiday cookies at the Cookie Walk! Select your favorites from dozens of varieties. First Come, First Served, while selection lasts. Cookies sold by weight ($12 per lb.) Proceeds go to the mission and ministries of Grace United Methodist Church. December 9th at 10am

  • Stockings Full of Joy

    Fill a Stocking with Joy for local struggling families.

    Instructions: take a stocking Sunday morning at Grace UMC, purchase items, fill it, have fun!

    Suggested items: hat/gloves/scarf, school supplies: pens, post-it notes, flash drive, toys: playing cards, match box cars, family fun games, microwave popcorn, hot cocoa mix, candy, packaged cookies, wacky socks or other fun items.

    Return the stocking to church by December 14th!

  • Parents' Morning Out

    Do you have some last minute holiday shopping to do? Do you need a few uninterrupted hours in the kitchen? Are there some gifts that still need to be wrapped? Drop your kids off and tackle that to-do list!
    We’ll keep them busy with crafts and games and a classic Christmas movie. We’ll even feed them lunch!

    The cost is $25/child or $50 for a family.

  • Lessons and Carols

    Join Grace Church as we celebrate the music and stories of the Advent and Christmas season with our annual Candlelight Lessons and Carols, Sunday Dec. 17th, 4pm. Light refreshments will be served afterward.

  • Christmas Eve Services

    Join us for our Christmas Eve services, December 24th at 4pm or 8pm. At 4pm we celebrate with a service tailored for the children in the congregation and end with candlelight singing Silent Night. At 8pm we have a more traditional service and will also end with candlelight singing Silent Night.

  • Post Worship Gathering

    We will meet January 14th to discuss business of the church related to the previous Church Conference. We’ll hear a report from the Trustees to offer some clarity and guidance on important matters. Join us immediately following worship and coffee hour.

  • Foundational Leadership Training

    January 20th the Foundational Leadership Training offers two workshop sessions that provide the opportunity for participants to learn about their area of ministry and other more general leadership skills. All workshops will take place via ZOOM and are offered in both sessions. Pre-registration is requested.

  • Trivia Night

    Test your Bible knowledge at our Trivia Night! There’s something for everyone at our family ministry event on January 27th at 4pm. Join us for the fun!

  • Valentine's Movie Night

    Get yourself a date night! Leave the little ones with the Grace teachers and staff. We’ll have games, food and a movie to keep them busy while you enjoy an evening out!